Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Natural Law PrecedesAnd Informs Positive Law

Natural Law Precedes And Informs Positive Law

On March 16, 2016 at 11:49 PM on Mario Apuzzo's Natural Born Citizen blog I challenged one of Mario's "natural born Citizen" new meaning neobirthers, a commenter with the name of Bryan/Unknown, with something simple about natural law (nature) and positive law (statute):

Rebut and refute a natural law with a positive law.
Rebut and refute nature with a statute.

On March 19, 2016 at 2:27 AM Bryan/Unknown responded on Mario's blog with a nonresponse again as he has done in the past to previous challenges to clarify how dual U.S./foreign citizenship is good 'nuf for government work, specifically eligibility to be chief executive of the United States, and why ONLY singular U.S. citizenship ONLY by birth on U.S. soil ONLY to two U.S. citizen married parents is not the original intent for the words "born" and "Citizen" in "natural born Citizen".

For some reason Bryan/Unknown and all of the other "natural born Citizen" new meaning neobirthers who espouse the 2000s myth about dual U.S./foreign citizenship is good 'nuf never, ever defend dual citizenship as equal to singular U.S. citizenship and simply ridicule ONLY singular U.S. citizenship as the first POTUS eligibility reqirement, the first reqirement that MUST precede by birth alone the fourteen years residence requirement in the United States up to and including the requirement to be at least thirty-five years of age.

Bryan/Unknown wrote:

>> "Why is it *my* challenge to support things that you believe while I argue they are silly?

>> "As I've pointed out several times, only in man-made law are there citizens or nations that could have citizens. I don't hear anyone disagreeing on that.

>> "You think there's a law of natural [sic] on who is and is not a natural-born citizen?

>> "If so, and you accept that nations are man-made, then you necessarily believe in laws of nature that depend upon human inventions.

>> "It makes no sense to me.

>> "You cannot defend a ludicrous position by assigning me the challenge of finding evidence for it."


The pertinent sentenc is this:

>> "If so, and you accept that nations are man-made,
>> then you necessarily believe in laws of nature
>> that depend upon human inventions."

Specifically pertinent is "...laws of nature that depend upon human invention."

All Bryan/Unknown and "natural born Citizen" new meaning neobirthers need to do to advance (but never to win) their 2000s theory that dual U.S./foreign citizenship is the point of "born" in "natural born Citizen" in Article II Section 1 clause 5 and POTUS eligibility is to adduce only one "law of nature" that is said to "depend" on "human invention."

As usual, Bryan's/Unknown's comments are poorly written, and he does not explain his points. He simply throws out his comments that are intended to support dual U.S./foreign citizenship POTUS eligibility while driving by, so to speak, like throwing a molotov cocktail while driving by in a speeding vehicle.

The reality is that ALL positive law (statute) is dependent on natural law (nature).

Absolutely NO natural law is dependent on positive law, what Bryan/Unknown in his comment calls "human invention".

What "natural born Citizen" new meaning neobirthers seem to never want to admit regarding POTUS eligibility is that nature is not dependent on statute, which means that ONLY singular U.S. citizenship ONLY by birth alone ONLY on U.S. soil ONLY to two U.S. citizen married parents is NOT dependent on a old or new statute about dual U.S./foreign citizenship.

The pertinent example that Bryan/Unknown probably thinks makes his positive law case that "...laws of nature...depend upon human invention" is the language of the U.S. Constitution itself.

I'm sure that Bryan/Unknown and "natural born Citizen" new meaning neobirthers who promote the 2000s theory, the 2000s myth that dual U.S./foreign citizenship makes a person eligible to be president would agree with the next paragraph that the U.S. Constitution is an example of positive law, and yet how it became positive law defeats their position that the original intent of the positive law constitution determines the original intent meaning of the natural law word "born" in "natural born Citizen" concerning POTUS eligibility.

The natural law reality about positive law reality is that the language of the constitution is "positive law" written by humans who are the product of natural law (aka, the unified congress of two bodies and then birth). Also, the language of the written constitution written by humans expresses the "natural law" reality that "birth" is a "natural law" activity of the unified congress of two bodies that necessarily precedes a "positive law" declaration by humans who are members of the unified Congress of two bodies, aka the House and Senate.

In other words, it is "natural" law that "born" precedes positive law "Citizen" and so natural law determines positive law and POTUS eligibility.

If the humans, the result of natural law, did not exist first, the positive law language of the constitution could not be written.

In this obvious sense, existence of humans precedes existence of human law, this is what is meant with natural law precedes positive law and positive law is dependent on natural law.

What Bryan/Unknown identifies as the "...laws of nature that depend upon human invention..." has nature and law reality bass akward. The nature and law reality is that the positive law of the constitution is dependent on the natural law prior existence of the humans who express their positive law thought by writing their common sense positive law declarations, speifically, regarding POTUS eligibility, that ONLY a "natural born (a natural law birth) Citizen (a positive law declaration)" could be "...eligible to the Office of President" because "ONLY by natural law alone", also known as ONLY "by birth alone" to two U.S. citizen (positive law) married (positive law) parents (natural law), could a person (natural law) be a "natural born Citizen" with ONLY singular (positive law) U.S. citizenship (positive law).

In other words, birth alone, which is the natural law result of an natural law act of congress, determines natural born citizenship. For that natural law reason a law, a positive law, a statute passed by an Act of Congress, is not necessary to determine who is "...eligible to the Office of President."

The positive law "Citizen" designation is dependent on the natural law "born" activity that is necessary before a "natural born Citizen" can even exist to become "...eligible to the Office of President."

Since 2012, whenever I've challenged "natural born Citizen" new meaning neobirthers who promote the 2000s theory, the myth, with a similar challenge to defend dual U.S./foreign citiznship as sufficient for POTUS eligibility, they have NEVER, ever responded in depth with substance, either on Mario Apuzzo's Natural Born Citizen blog, or Kevin Davidson's blog or, or, or

Regarding eligibility to be POTUS, ONLY singular U.S. citizenship as the ONLY original genesis original intent for the word "born" in "natural born Citizen" can NOT be rebutted and can NOT be refuted with dual U.S./foreign citizenship.

That is natural law reality.

Singular U.S. citizenship is the POTUS eligibility reality that Bryan/Unknown and "natural born Citizen" new meaning neobirthers NEVER rebut and NEVER refute by explaining in depth the 2000s myth and theory of the sufficiency if not superiority of dual U.S./foreign citizenship. Instead, "nbC" new meaning neobirthers respond in a ways that are similar to Bryan/Unknown. They either say something like, "well, we don't know what "natural born Citizen" means" so that is why dual U.S./foreign citizenship looks ok to them, or they say something similar to what Bryan/Unknown wrote — they simply throw their ideological molotov cocktails as they drive and say something like "...laws of nature...depend upon human invention" without explicating their point with substance.
On Mario's blog Bryan/Unknown wrote about my natural law and positive law comment:

>> "It makes no sense to me.

>> "You cannot defend a ludicrous position by assigning me the challenge of finding evidence for it."

What Bryan/Unknown wrote about "...laws of nature...depend upon human invention" makes no sense to me for the same reason that it would not have made sense to original birther John Jay and original birther George Washington and the original birther framers and ratifiers of the constitution who understood that the laws of nature and nature's God preceded the language and the intent of the constitution.

"Natural born Citizen" new meaning neobirthers who promote the 2000s theory, the 2000s myth that dual U.S./foreign citizenship is sufficient for POTUS eligibility, and that ONLY singular U.S. citizenship is NOT the ONLY meaning, NOT the ONLY original genesis original intent for the word "born" in "natural born Citizen", cannot defend a ludicrous position by denying the natural law reality that precedes positive law reality—nature and birth precede statute and declaration about eligibility to be president.

That is natural law reality about positive law reality.


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