Wednesday, September 16, 2015

"ONLY ONE" Unity of Allegiance

Only One Unity of Allegiance

A similar post was posted March 12, 2014 at 11:24 PM on Mario Apuzzo's blog.

On March 12, 2014 at 11:36 AM I made a play on the word “only” in Mario's post that I would like to repeat to add to his “highest degree” and “unity of allegiance” comment, also today, March 12, 2014 at 9:23 PM. The parenthetical [] words and bold emphases are mine.

First my previous quote describing Mario's “only” comment.

The “only” last sentence of the “only” last paragraph on “only” March 12, 2014 at 12:25 AM nailed the “only” common sense original intent of the original birthers accurately, adequately, necessarily, sufficiently.

>> "The only way
>> that a child can be born the citizen of only one nation
>> is to be born [only] in the nation of his parents
>> to [only] those parents who are both citizens
>> of [only] that nation
>> at the time
>> of the child’s birth."

On March 12, 2014 at 9:23 PM Mario wrote,

>> The fact that the obligation was owed
>> just [only] to the United States
>> made the obligation [only] to the nation so strong,
>> for the duty was not diluted by any allegiance to any foreign power.

>> The highest degree of this obligation,
>> being an undivided and absolute obligation,
>> could only be achieved
>> if a child was born
>> not only in the United States,
>> but also [only] to two U.S. citizen parents.
>> So, given this need for the highest obligation and duty [only] to the nation,
>> especially from the Commander in Chief of the Military,
>> the Founders, Framers, and Ratifiers
>> saw the definition of a natural born citizen …
>> requiring not only birth in the country,
>> but also birth to two U.S. citizen parents.

>> Additionally, during the Founding and until the passage of the Cable Act of 1922,
>> wives followed the citizenship of their husbands,
>> like children followed the citizenship of their parents
>> until Wong Kim Ark’s 1898 interpretation of the Fourteenth Amendment.

>> This means that parents were either both citizens or aliens.
>> The oneness of citizenship of spouses is confirmed by, among many sources,
_Sir Edward Coke,
_John Locke,
_Emer de Vattel,
_William Blackstone,
_Scott v. Sandford (1857),
_Minor v. Happersett (1875), and
_U.S. v. Wong Kim Ark (1898).

Here is my only one version of a Dr. Seuss' Green Eggs and Ham teaching aid, made comprehensible for fifth to seventh graders, the perennial age group to aim for to make a subject easily understood by all age groups.

There is “only one” point to make to clarify the “only one” unity of allegiance play on words and the 1787 implication of the three word unit “natural born Citizen" and it's perpetual significance from generation to generation, election to election, POTUS to POTUS

There is
only ONE way
for a U.S. “citizen”
to be a U.S. “natural born Citizen”
of only the U.S. nation.

(1) At birth the child must touch down “only” on the U.S. soil of the U.S. “nation.”

(2) At birth the child must be the product of the physical union of two U.S. citizen parents.

If the child is the product of the physical union of only one U.S. citizen parent and also one foreign citizen parent, the child is NOT the product of the union of 'only' two U.S. citizen parents of 'only' one U.S. nation.

The “only one way” is so clear that “only” a true believer “O”bama... “O”bama... “O”bama... Obirther will pout and shout nonsense about only one U.S. citizen parent is good 'nuf, aka “required,” for a child born on U.S. soil to be a 'natural born Citizen.'

Mario, there really is “only” one way for a U.S. “citizen” to be a 1787 Article II Section 1 Clause 5 U.S. “natural born Citizen” of “only one” U.S. nation.

There is “only one” way and it requires the baby touching down on the soil of the nation, aka birth, and it requires two U.S. citizen parents of “only one” U.S. nation to physically produce a U.S. citizen of “only one” U.S. nation, aka a U.S. “natural born Citizen.”

There is “only one” way.
There is not more than one way.

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PS. Dittos to Mario Apuzzo's March 12, 2014 at 9:39 PM comment about the “inescapable conclusion” about BHObama and my home state and favorite senator, Texas Senator Ted Cruz.

“Therefore, Obama and Cruz are not natural born citizens (inescapable conclusion).

PPS. It would be nice if somebody were to show Sen. Cruz your H. Brooke Paige v. Vermont Supreme Court ON PETITION FOR A WRIT OF CERTIORARI TO THE VERMONT SUPREME COURT that has been presented the SCOTUS.

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