Thursday, October 29, 2015

It IS About Islam: The Twenty-year Plan To Establish the Muslim Caliphate

It IS About Islam:
The Twenty-year Plan To Establish the Muslim Caliphate

This post is modified with corrections from a similar post on The on September 4, 2015.

All Trump needs to say is that he has been busy building a business, uh, I mean, a GREAT business,, and meeting a payroll and keeping his people employed, and etc.,, and, although he has a general understanding of the idiocy happening in the Middle East, just as most of We the People do in America, and since the jihad continues to roll on, as president he will definitely become more informed about the idiocy of religious/political jihad than Obama was when he was elected.

Here's a reading suggestion for Donald Trump, Ben Carson, Carly Fiorina, Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, Scott Walker, Marco Rubio, Mike Huckabee, Bobby Jindal: read Chapter 4, Establishing the Caliphate, in Glenn Beck's new book It IS About Islam, in the section titled The Twenty-year Plan (2000-2020), pages 68-81.

On page 71 Glenn closes the section with this:

"Does this all sound absurd?
Well, consider that, as of 2015,
a decade after the plan was published by Hussein,
the first five phases have been right on schedule."

Hussein is Fouad Hussein.

On page 69 Glenn introduces the seven phases with this paragraph:

Hussein wrote in a
"...2005 book, Al-Zarqawi: The Second Generation of Al Qaeda, which was published in Arabic, Hussein revealed the terrorist group's twenty-year plan, which, in their own words, has seven different phases.

Phase 1: The Muslim Awakening (2000-2003)
Phase 2: Opening Eyes (2003-2006)
Phase 3: Arising and Standing Up (2007-2010)
Phase 4: Collapse (2010-2013)
Phase 5: Caliphate (2013-2016)
Phase 6: Total Confrontation (2016-2019)
Phase 7: Definitive Victory (2020)


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sp4x2 to Art Telles

Isn't it insane that in the current America, belief in the US Constitution means you are a right wing zealot that deserves to be under surveillance?

Art Telles to sp4x2


And this "surveillance" is happening while the commune organizer is the defender of HIS version of the U.S. Constitution which allows for dual U.S./foreign citizenship and which allows ONLY one U.S. citizen parent to be acceped as "...eligible to the Office of President."

I wonder what would happen during this primary season if Carly Fiorina, or Rand Paul, or Scott Walker, or Mike Huckabee, or Donald Trump said something about defending John Jay's original genesis original intent for underlining the word "born" in "natural born Citizen" in his July 25, 1787 note to his friend George Washington?

In my opinion, the underlined word "born" requires a POTUS to be a "natural born Citizen" by being born with ONLY singular U.S. citizenship ONLY by birth on U.S. soil ONLY by birth to two U.S. citizen married parents who are married ONLY to each other BEFORE the child is born.

When political push comes to political shove, I wonder which of the Republican candidates will say that Obama was NOT constitutionally qualified to be president because he was NOT an Article II Section 1 clause 5 "natural born Citizen" because he was born with only one U.S. citizen parent, so, for that reason, neither is Ted Cruz "...eligible to the Office of President" because he was born with dual U.S./foreign citizenship by being born on foreign soil to only one U.S. citizen parent. Marco Rubio and Bobby Jindal, who were both born with dual U.S./foreign citizenship by being born on U.S. soil to two legal immigrant parents who were not U.S. citizens when their children were born, so their children were not born with singular U.S. citizenship and not "...eligible to the Office of President.".

The commune organizer is not a "natural born Citizen" and the Republicans should stop defending Obama's "citizen" status as sufficient and equivalent to "natural born Citizen" status in Article II, because "born" implies ONLY singular U.S. citizenship, Not dual U.S/foreign citizenship.

U.S. Constitution: The Original Birther Document of the Union
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