Friday, October 9, 2015

What a Difference 36 Years Makes: Sen. Lowell Weicker Wanted an Eligibility Test

What a Difference 36 Years Makes:
Sen. Lowell Weicker Wanted an Eligibility Test

This post is modified with corrections from a similar post on Mario Apuzzo's blog on April 20, 2015 at 6:48 PM.

What a difference 36 years makes

In 1979 the Hartford Courant had an article about Republican Sen. Lowell Weicker. It looks like he was clear about "natural born Citizen" requiring two U.S citizen married parents, but not so sure about birth on foreign soil to two U.S. citizen parents. has the 1979 newspaper picture of Sen. Weiker's eligibility doubts, "Weicker Wants Eligibility Test."


In paragraph one Sen. Weicker wants someone to challenge his eligibility to be POTUS.

In paragraph two, the journalist wrote, "...The U.S. Constitution says only a natural born Citizen' may become president and it isn't clear whether an American citizen born abroad is eligible."

In paragraph three Sen. Weicker expects a court challenge to his POTUS eligibility.

In paragraph four Sen. Weicker admits that it is possible that he could be embarrassed if he is found to be not eligible to be POUTS.

In paragraph five Sen. Weicker accuses the Republican Party of being more concerned about philosophy (the original meaning and application of "natural born Citizen") than about winning an election, and adds that winning is being in touch with reality and people while philosophy is NOT being in touch with reality.

In paragraph six Sen. Weicker says that a president is preferable to a pope, implying that being good and doing good is not being in touch with reality and people, while winning an election (whatever it takes, even cheating) is being in touch with reality.

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Fast forward 36 years from 1979 to 2015/16:

The Republican Party is more concerned about winning than it is about philosophy (speaking the historical truth about the original intent meaning and application of "natural born Citizen").

The Republican Party does NOT want a court challenge to the eligibility of any person, Democrat OR Republican, and prefers the "theory" of ONLY one U.S. citizen parent and the child with dual U.S./foreign citizenship being eligible to be POTUS if that is what it takes to win the presidency.

Sen. Cruz definitely does NOT want a court challenge, because, as Sen. Weicker suggested, if being born on foreign soil to "TWO" U.S. citizen parents makes POTUS eligibility iffy, well, being born on foreign soil to ONLY "ONE" U.S. citizen parent is definitely iffy too.

Sen. Rubio definitely does NOT want a court challenge, because as Sen Weicker suggested, if his own birth on foreign soil to "TWO" U.S. citizen parents is iffy, well the conclusion today in 2015 is that being born on U.S. soil to "ZERO" U.S. citizen parent is definitely iffy too.

So, that leaves Carly Fiorina, Donald Trump, Sen. Rand Paul, Dr. Ben Carson, etc., all "natural born Citizens" because they have

_ONLY citizenship of one nation
_ONLY birth on U.S. soil/jurisdiction
_ONLY singular U.S. citizenship
_ONLY by birth to two U.S. citizen married parents.

U.S. Constitution: The Original Birther Document of the Union
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