Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Sen. Ted Cruz Speech at CPAC 2015

Sen. Ted Cruz Speech at CPAC 2015

This post is modified with corrections from a similar post on Mario Apuzzo's blog on March 2, 2015 at 6:02 PM.

Citizen / Born Citizen / Natural Born Citizen

In this comment on Mario's blog I wrote that maybe Sen. Cruz and Sean Hannity should read my study, in which my purpose was to only educate myself, about why Article 2 "natural born Citizen" "by birth" is a proper subset of the "citizen/born citizen" set and why an Amendment 14 " "born citizen" is a "citizen" "at birth" and also a proper subset of the "citizen" set.

Senator Ted Cruz, in his CPAC speech (the full 46 second question and answer quote is below) said that the Constitution requires being a "natural born citizen" to be eligible to be POTUS—and because his mother was "a citizen by birth" that made Sen. Cruz, quote, "an American citizen by birth."

The Obama birth narrative neo-birthers must be ecstatic that Sen. Ted Cruz, one of the most prominent Republicans and a constitutional scholar, in his answer to Sean Hannity, tacitly says that Article 2 implies dual U.S./foreign citizenship of one parent, and also the dual citizenship of putative single U.S. citizen parent Pres. Obama, and they must also be ecstatic that Sen. Cruz's answer tacitly denigrates Article 2 and ONLY singular U.S. citizenship ONLY "by birth" ONLY on U.S. soil ONLY to two U.S. citizen married parents.

In his answer Sen. Cruz confounds the understanding about Amendment 14 "at birth" and Article 2 "by birth," and he conflates the two in his answer. He does so by confounding the distinction between a 14th Amendment, an INA: ACT 301 statute "born citizen" and an Article 2 "natural born citizen."

The confusion in Sen. Cruz's answer confounds the constitutional distinction between Article 2, Amendment 14 and the INA: ACT 301 statute.

The 1787-2015 Article 2 Section 1 clause 5 that was inspired in 1787 by original birther John Jay intends ONLY singular U.S. citizenship "by birth" ONLY on U.S. soil ONLY to two U.S. citizen married parents, while the 1868-2015 Amendment 14, according to and since the 1898 United States v. Wong Kim Ark Supreme Court holding, intends ONLY dual U.S./foreign citizenship "at birth" on U.S. soil to either one OR zero U.S. citizen married parents. According to the Supreme Court and the Congress since the 1898 Wong decision, the Fourteenth Amendment does NOT affirm BOTH singular U.S. citizenship AND dual U.S./foreign citizenship. According to the Court and the Congress, the Fourteenth Amendment affirms ONLY dual U.S./foreign citizenship.

Sen. Cruz's answer also confounds the Article 2 singular U.S. citizenship intention of ONLY singular U.S. citizenship "by birth" ONLY on U.S. soil ONLY to two U.S. citizen married parents with the INA: ACT 301 (clauses "a and "g") statute which intends ONLY dual U.S./foreign citizenship "at birth" on foreign soil to one OR two U.S. citizen parents. The INA: ACT 301 statute also intends ONLY dual U.S./foreign citizenship "at birth" on U.S. soil to one OR zero U.S. citizen parents. The INA statute does NOT affirm BOTH singular U.S. citizenship AND dual U.S./foreign citizenship. The INA:ACT 301 statute affirms ONLY dual U.S./foreign citizenship.

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Sen. Ted Cruz Speech at CPAC 2015

At about 20 min. 12 sec. to 20 min. 58 sec. = 46 seconds.

There was no reference to Article 2 Section 1 Clause 5, Amendment 14, Section 1 (1st sentence), or the relevant statute—INA: ACT 301 - Nationals and Citizens of the United States at Birth. Sec. 301. [8 U.S.C. 1401], specifically clauses (a) and (g).

[ ]

(a) a person born in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof;


(g) a person born outside the geographical limits of the United States and its outlying possessions of parents one of whom is an alien, and the other a citizen of the United States who, prior to the birth of such person, was ... .


Alright, I want to warn everybody, I am asking this next question, because I know the liberal media will. Ok, so we might as well get it out of the way for them.

_Your mother was an American citizen.
_You talked about your dad coming from Cuba.
_You were born in Canada.
_You had dual citizenship.

There are a bunch of liberal birthers out there that would try to make the case that you're not eligible.
Just a quick, short answer.

Sen. Cruz:

Look, I was born in Calgary.
My mother was an American citizen by birth.
Under Federal law that made me an American citizen by birth.
The Constitution requires that you be a natural born citizen.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

A 46 second question and answer about constitutional eligibility.

After an exhausting 46 seconds question and answer, in which there was not time to discuss the original genesis original intent of original birther John Jay, and why he underlined the word "born" in "natural born Citizen" which was included in Article 2, there was an Immediate transition from eligibility to Sen. Cruz's top five agenda items—and after a possible tacit reference to the 2nd Amendment, he didn't say what he was referring to, there is item #4 about constitutional rights. It would be nice if constitutional scholar Sen. Cruz would affirm the "constitutional rights" of WE the People to have ONLY an Article 2 singular U.S. citizenship "natural born Citizen" who is a "born citizen" "by birth" and not "at birth."


Alright, now we're going to do our quick lightning round, 'cause we're running out of time.

What would the top five agenda items of a President Ted Cruz, what would they be?

Sen. Cruz:

#1 - repeal every blasted word of ObamaCare.
#2 - abolish the IRS. Take all 125,000 IRS agents and put them on the southern border.
#3 - stop the out of control regulators; the EPA and the alphabet soup of Washington.
#4 - defend our constitutional rights; all of them.
#5 - restore America's leadership in the world as a shining city on a hill.

U.S. Constitution: The Original Birther Document of the Union
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